San Diego State University
of Psychology
Jeffrey M. Conte
Waller, M. J., Conte, J. M., Gibson,
G., & Carpenter, A. (2001). The impact of individual time perception
on team performance under deadline conditions. Academy of Management
Review, 26, 586-600.
The focus of this paper concerns perceptions of deadlines among team members,
and how these perceptions influence team performance under deadline conditions.
Based on a review of existing literature, we propose that two time-oriented
individual differences – time urgency and time perspective – influence
team members’ perceptions of deadlines. We present propositions that
describe how time urgency and time perspective affect individuals’ deadline
perceptions and subsequent deadline-oriented behaviors, and how different
deadline perceptions and behaviors among team members affect the ability
of teams to meet deadlines. The paper closes with implications for
existing theory and future research. (Copyright 2001, Academy of Management
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